Extreme dog fence manual.Owner’s Manual Download

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Extreme dog fence manual 



Extreme dog fence manual.Extreme Dog Fence Max Grade System | Professional DIY Dog Fence

  WebJan 10,  · eXtreme DOG FENCE GE-G2 Dog Training Collar Instruction Manual. Manual Instructions for GE-G2 Dog Collar Thank you for your purchase! Please read . WebExtreme Dog Fence | Owner’s Guide 1 TRANSMITTER:The power source that transmits the radio signal through the loop wire. . Webpet fencing system for your cherished family pet. eXtreme Dog Fence® Comfort Contact system was designed by the industry’s most experienced team to provide years of worry .  

Owner's Manual Download - Extreme Electric Dog Fence DIY - Kits.Does your dog like to get out of your property?


Everyone who owns a pet is familiar with the risk that faces their dog when …. As such, we have uploaded a copy of the DVD for your viewing convenience. Not sure how to raise or lower the correction level? As such, the Wire-Free system has some unique functions and properties that are helpful to understand. Check Out Our Deal Today! Our final word on the best wireless dog fence reviews for In this video we learn how to run and bury the wire.

Once you have located the break, this video will help you to figure out how to create a waterproof How To Install an Underground Dog Fence YouTube Does your dog like to get out of your property?

An Extreme Dog Fence is your solution, and you can definitely do it yourself. It is a simple task! Do you know how an electric dog fence works? Need guidance on how to train your dog on an underground dog fence? Contact us at Available 6 days a week, we are here to guide you on setting up your fence, training and more. Check out our pet blog for the latest news, tips and more. Advice on training your dog, and other dog-related topics. We live in rural Alabama. We had used one of the radio type dog fences for our 3 German Shepherds for some time, they knew that there were places they could get out and not get penalized.

We purchased this and installed approx ft of wire without any splices except where the twisted wire connects it to the unit. I started…. I am a police K9 handler and was looking for the best underground fencing system to help protect my K9 at home. I came across this Extreme Dog Fence system that I was very interested in for the fact that it came with everything I was looking for and could not find anywhere else.

I could not find any other fencing system that came…. Very easy to wire and install components. My husband…. I wanted smallest collar unit to be least cumbersome to my dog, yet durable and most features and level of settings.

I went with pro grade option and …. Does your dog like to get out of your property? How It Works. Components of an Inground Dog Fence There are 3 crucial components of a pet containment system. Electric Dog Fence Correction The concept of static correction is the same as is used in dog behavior training.

Now that you know how our electric fence kit works, why not give it a try with your family dog? Our US-based customer service agents are here to help you with any questions you may have, 7 days a week.

You can reach us at Shop for dog fences, training collars for dogs, bark collars and doggie doors. If quality is what you want, Extreme has got you covered. Do you know how an electric dog fence works? Need guidance on how to train your dog on an underground dog fence?

Contact us at Available 6 days a week, we are here to guide you on setting up your fence, training and more. Check out our pet blog for the latest news, tips and more. Advice on training your dog, and other dog-related topics. We live in rural Alabama. We had used one of the radio type dog fences for our 3 German Shepherds for some time, they knew that there were places they could get out and not get penalized.

We purchased this and installed approx ft of wire without any splices except where the twisted wire connects it to the unit. I started…. I am a police K9 handler and was looking for the best underground fencing system to help protect my K9 at home. I came across this Extreme Dog Fence system that I was very interested in for the fact that it came with everything I was looking for and could not find anywhere else.

I could not find any other fencing system that came…. Very easy to wire and install components. My husband…. I wanted smallest collar unit to be least cumbersome to my dog, yet durable and most features and level of settings. Will the wire be okay if there is snow on top of it? Answer: Our Prograde and Max grade wire definitely sturdy enough to weather the elements.

You can certainly wait until the spring to bury your dog fence wire. Question: Does the transmitter need to be mounted in a temperature-controlled environment? High or low temperatures are not an issue; however your dog fence transmitter can absolutely NOT get wet. Answer: As young as 6 months old is fine. The important thing is that the dog needs to be able to understand basic commands.

Answer: Yes it can. However since it must be protected from moisture, it should be kept in a waterproof box, such as a sprinkler box. Answer: Twisted wire is used to connect the boundary loop to the transmitter. However, twisted wire can never be used as part of your boundary loop itself.

Question: Does the dog fence wire need to be ran in one continuous loop? Can it just be ran on one side of the property? Answer: Yes, as with any dog fence, your dog fence wire must be ran in one continuous loop. Yes it can be ran just on one side of the property, but a double loop must be created there, with 4 feet separating its parallel sides. Question: Will the collars still shock with the rubber contact points covering the tips?

Answer: Yes, they will. The rubber contact points are metal-infused, so they are still able to deliver the static correction through them. Question: In a double loop installation, can I put both loops together in the same trench?

The parallel wires must be separated by 4 feet, which means they must be buried in 2 separate trenches. Add ft. Total of ft. Keith Barry — October 20, Hands down worth every penny. My boxer used to sit and allow the collar of our old system to just beep and could break the barriers. We upgraded to this system and it beeps once and she turns around. She has learned to respect her boundaries.

Have had it 6 months and still on the original battery. I did upgrade to the stubborn collar. The wire installs easy. No fear of breaking it while installing. Put in almost ft of wire. Install this system once and feel confident its the last time you will lay wire. I also noticed with the control unit it actually does keep a steady signal. My old system the boundaries would move whenever it rained or the temp dropped.

Kelsey Pangallo — October 21, We are so glad to hear that you are happy with your Max grade system! If you need anything in the future please reach out to us so that we can help you out!

I have two Dobermans. And if a runner passes by, you might as well hang it up. I bought a house in October on an acre and it had no fence. I decided to buy this system instead.

I went down to the home depot and rented a hedger. My 75 year old dad dug the line, my daughter and I buried the wire in about 5 hours. I got the female the stubborn collar and my male the active. My female is super smart so she caught on right away and had it down pat in about 3 days. Do what the booklet says….. He was crapping on my deck!

My female made him go out in the yard, taught him his perimeter, and in about 3 more days she had him taught on the fence. They do NOT go past the line……. I will never get another fence again. Please take the time to train the dog exactly like the booklet tells you. And the customer service is awesome. You can call them about anything. I had to call them when I got ready to program the fence and the collars. Kelsey Pangallo — December 7, Angela, We are so happy to hear that your dogs are doing well with the system!

Please if you need anything reach out to us! Mater — January 15, This is my second system and experience had lead me to better quality wire. Wire breaks with the 20 gauge drove me nuts on my first system. The Extreme wire that came with the Pro Grade package is nothing less than amazing. It is like a small cable compared to the kite string 20 gauge. I assume all electronic are shipped from Chinese manufactures.

